So you want to be a DJ on the internet's best radio station?
First off, unlike other internet stations (the reason we are the best), we take pride in our station, and only take people who can entertain and will make a commitment. Also BGL Radio plays music of today (TODAY being the key word) in Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop, Metal (not thrash or death) and Country, so if you are wanting to play any other type of music, no need to read further.
Now that you are continuing to read, we presume you understood the above and want to make a commitment, so lets get started.
We understand this is a volunteer basis and people have other things to do, therefore we are very flexible. There are a lot of open slots available for being on the air. Even though we are flexible if you agree to do a show, unless of a dire emergency or such things as a power outage, we expect you to do your show. If you know you wont be able to do it, it is only common courtesy to let our scheduler know in advance so that other arrangements can be made.
BGL Radio streams at AAC Plus of 64kb - AAC Plus 128 kb/ps... a dial modem will just not do it... you have to have broadband, and not the cheap broadband that is just above dialup, but a mid range broadband. Also you must have your own music, around 1000 - 2000 in mp3 format to start. BGL Radio will provide the software to broadcast.
To be a DJ on BGL Radio, your show is your show and you have the freedom to talk about anything and everything you would want to along with playing a ton of music (as long as it fits in this stations format), you set up your show and go for it, just try to keep it clean, no vulgar language. We try to have fun and entertain the listeners.
As a DJ, BGLRadio provides the following
- Free Tech Support with Sam Broadcaster
- Pal scripts to help you run your show
- Free DJ advertising
- DJ Banners and merchandise
Now with all that said... still looking at being a DJ for the best station... BGL Radio... here is how to apply and what to expect.
To apply: Submit an email to Use in the subject line "Request to DJ" and answer these questions:
- Type of Music?
- Time of day or evening you would like?
- Have you ever DJ on either terresterial or internet radio before? If so when and what type of station?
- Why you want to DJ for us?
Once we received your email, the selection process will start. Remember that everyone involved is not at the computer 24 hours a day and it can possibly take up to 2 months from start to finish in the selection process..The selection process will consist of:
- Audition Audio File
- Interviews. There will be at least 2 interviews. As a heads up during the interviews we are looking to see how you react to different situations, it can become very intense. The reason for this is, as a DJ, you are a moderator in our chat room, along with representing BGL on the net keeping in mind that drama is not tolerated at BGL. Other stations claim this but their representatives are the first to create it.
Still want to be a DJ?... get us your email today!